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Freedom of information

Freedom of Information

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) gives individuals the right to apply for access to documents held by State Public Sector agencies which includes: Government Departments; Local Authorities; Statutory Authorities and Ministers.

The Town of Claremont is an agency within the meaning of the FOI Act. Accordingly the requirements of the FOI Act apply to the Town of Claremont from the commencement date of that legislation, being 1 November 1993.

The intention of the FOI Act is to:

  • Confer upon persons a general right of access to information held by agencies;
  • Confer upon individuals a right to apply to an agency for an amendment of personal information to ensure that it is accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading;
  • Place an obligation on agencies to make publicly available certain information about their operations.The Act also requires that agencies prepare and publish an Information Statement which conveys the maximum possible detail to the public about its operations and how access may be obtained to public documents.
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