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About Council Meetings

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Ordinary Council Meetings

Ordinary Council Meetings are generally held at 7pm on the last Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise notified) at the Town of Claremont Council Chambers - Level 1, Number One Claremont, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend all Council meetings. 

The dates for the 2024 Ordinary Council Meetings for the Town of Claremont are as follows:

Month Date of Meeting Month Date of Meeting
January No meeting July 30

6 and 27

August  27
March 26 September 24
April 30 October  29
May  28 November 26


December  17

The Town of Claremont Meeting Procedures Local Law provides an opportunity for the public to ask up to five questions at Ordinary Council Meetings.

Public questions must be submitted to the Town in writing by 12pm on the day of an Ordinary Council Meeting. Should you wish to ask a question, please fill out a Public Question form here.

A total of 15 minutes is set aside for questions at the beginning of each meeting, which may be extended by resolution of Council. To ensure an equal and fair opportunity is provided to everyone, a maximum period of five minutes per speaker is allocated.

Once a question is asked the Mayor may:

  • Respond to the question asked;
  • Refer the question to an officer for response; or
  • Take the question on notice, in which case a written response will be forwarded to you and included in the agenda papers in the next Council Meeting.

The Town of Claremont Meeting Procedures Local Law provides an opportunity for the public to make statements at Ordinary Council Meetings that relate to an item on the Agenda for that meeting.  

Public statements must be submitted to the Town in writing by 12pm on the day of an Ordinary Council Meeting. Should you wish to make a statement, please complete a Public Statement form here.

A total of 15 minutes is set aside for public statements at the beginning of each meeting which may be extended by resolution of Council. To ensure an equal and fair opportunity is provided to address Council, a period of five minutes per speaker will be allocated.

Any Town of Claremont elector, or group of electors, can petition the Council. A petition is a formal written document appealing to Council in respect of a particular cause.

The Town of Claremont Meeting Procedures Local Law 2018 sets out the requirements for submitting a petition. To be accepted, a petition is required to:

  1. be addressed to the Mayor;
  2. contain the name, address and signature of each petitioner*;
  3. contain a summary of the reasons for the request; and
  4. be submitted by elector/s of the district and have their name/s shown at the top of each page thereof.

*Council will only recognise signatures from electors of the district. Signatures from persons outside of the district will be disregarded.

A petition template can be viewed by clicking here

Petitions shall be lodged with the Town by no later than 12pm on the day of an Ordinary Council Meeting in order to be presented to Council.  

Disclosure: All information (including names and addresses) included in petitions will be published in the Ordinary Council Meeting minutes from the meeting during which it is presented to Council. 

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