The Heritage Act 2018 requires each local government to prepare a Local Heritage Survey to identify and record places that are, or that might become, of cultural heritage significance.
The data from this survey assists the Town in making decisions that impact heritage places and supports the creation of a Heritage List or Heritage Areas, which provide for statutory protection of places under the Local Planning Scheme.
In accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Town is required to establish and maintain a Heritage List to identify those places within the Scheme area which are of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation.
Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 27 September 2022 resolved to advertise three draft Local Planning Policies (LPP 124 – Heritage, LPP Bay View Terrace Heritage Area and LPP - Claremont Crescent Heritage Area) and the review of the Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List.
The objectives of the draft LPP 124 – Heritage are:
(a) Provide for the ability to impose conditions on development approvals requiring contributions towards the provision of public art.
(b) Improve interpretation of cultural, environmental and built heritage.
(c) Create and enhance a sense of place by encouraging public art forms.
(d) Improve legibility by introducing public art which assists in making streets, open spaces and buildings more identifiable.
The objectives of the draft LPP - Bay View Terrace Heritage Area are:
(a) To designate a Heritage Area, for the purpose of Schedule 2, Part 3, Clause 9 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
(b) To provide guidance for development within the Bay View Terrace Heritage Area.
(c) To ensure that places of heritage value that contribute to the Bay View Terrace Heritage Area are retained and development does not reduce the contribution of the place of the Heritage Area.
The objectives of the draft LPP - Claremont Crescent Heritage Area are:
(a) To designate a Heritage Area, for the purpose of Schedule 2, Part 3, Clause 9 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
(b) To provide guidance for development within the Claremont Crescent Heritage Area Heritage Area.
(c) To ensure that places of heritage value that contribute to the Claremont Crescent Heritage Area are retained and development does not reduce the contribution of the place of the Heritage Area.
Submissions on the Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List and associated Local Planning Policies can be lodged in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Claremont, PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910, or via an online survey.
Submissions close 5:00pm Monday 15 May 2023. Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and a summary of your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.
All enquiries should be directed to the Planning Department at the Town of Claremont.
View the draft Local Planning Policies:
- LPP 124 Heritage
- LPP Claremont Crescent Heritage Area
- LPP Bay View Terrace Heritage Area
View the Frequently Asked Questions:
- Heritage List Review FAQ
- Bay View Terrace Heritage Area FAQ
- Claremont Crescent Heritage Area FAQ
View the Local Heritage Surveys:
- Bay View Precinct
- Bindaring Precinct
- Claremont Hill Precinct
- Heritage Precinct
- River Precinct
- Showground Precinct
- Swanbourne Precinct
- Table of Contents
View the Draft Heritage List
Consultation has now closed.