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Community consultation

Your Community, Your Say  

Your opinions and views are important to us.  We seek feedback from the broader community and stakeholders to help guide and inform the decision making process.  We endeavour to maximise community and stakeholder participation in its activities through timely, accurate and understandable communication.

In the 2023/2024 period, the Town engaged independent research company, CATALYSE to conduct the MARKYT Community Scorecard. This study sought feedback from the community on a range of areas in relation to the Town's performance. A comprehensive overview of the results can be found at the following link: MARKYT Community Scorecard results.

Consultation projects 


Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) - Amendment 1

Following consultation on the Structure Plan, Council resolved on 28 June 2022 to seek final approval of the Town Centre Structure Plan (PSP) with a number of minor modifications.  The PSP was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 26 March 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor changes.  Following completion of the required changes, the Western Australian Planning Commission approved the final Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan on 24 September 2024.

Please click here to view documentation and have your say on the PSP - Amendment 1. The amendment is open for public comment until 5.00pm Friday, 15 November 2024.

Previous consultation projects

The Town is developing a plan that will prioritise resources for preserving and enhancing the Claremont Foreshore – now and into the future.

These key areas have been identified by Council, and your feedback will assist Council in prioritising these key areas for budgetary purposes.

This consultation is now closed.

The Town of Claremont community were invited to nominate a name  for the new facility at 64 Bay View Terrace. This facility will become a beating heart in the centre of Claremont, allowing residents and visitors to foster community spirit while participating in a range of programs, activities, and initiatives.

This consultation has now closed.

The Town invited feedback from residents on those streets with temporary parking restrictions to have their say on whether they wished for those restrictions to continue upon completion of The Grove development in June 2024.

This consultation is now closed.

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is given that the Town of Claremont proposes to make the Fencing Local Law 2024.

The purpose of the Fencing Local Law 2024 is to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard for the construction of fences throughout the district. The effect of the Fencing Local Law 2024 is to establish the minimum requirements for fencing within the district.

A copy of the Fencing Local Law 2024 may be inspected at the Town’s Administration Building at 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont or viewed here.

Submissions have now closed.

The Town is upgrading John and Jean Mulder Park to include a new playground and a resurfaced scooter track. Works will be completed in 2024.

The community was invited to have their say on their preferred playground design to replace the existing one.

This consultation is now closed.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 31 October 2023, Council resolved to readvertise the draft Town of Claremont Animal Local Law 2023.

The purpose of the Animal Local Law 2023 is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the keeping of dogs and cats within the district. 

Members of the public are invited to make a submission to the Town regarding the draft Animal Local Law 2023.

Submissions are now closed.

The Town has prepared a Local Planning Strategy to address future planning within the Town of Claremont.

Following consultation on the Strategy, Council resolved on 25 June 2024 to seek final approval of the Strategy with a number of minor modifications.  The Strategy was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 18 September 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor change.  The Town is currently liaising with officers of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to effect final changes to the Strategy and it is expected that final approval of the Strategy will be granted shortly.

The Local Planning Strategy sets the objectives and long-term planning directions for the built form of the Town to ensure a suitable supply of appropriately zoned land to accommodate future population change and economic development over a 15 year period. This document is key in shaping ‘where, why and how’ of future planning and development outcomes in the Town of Claremont. 

For more information  please see our FAQs.

Submissions are now closed.

The Town is creating a new hub for our community to enjoy - the Claremont Community Centre - and wanted to know what's important to our younger community members.

A consultation survey was sent out via social media and digital channels inviting residents aged 12-18 years to complete their feedback.

This consultation is now closed.

The Town of Claremont is proposing to commence a major land transaction in relation to the proposed acquisition of 288 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

A Business Plan providing an overall assessment of the proposed acquisition has been prepared and is available to view here or at the Town’s Administration Building, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

Members of the public are invited to make submissions to the Town in relation to the proposed acquisition.

Submissions can be made to the Chief Executive Officer by email to, by hand to the Town’s Administration Building or by post to PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910.

Submissions are now closed.


Submissions were invited on the Town of Claremont’s Draft Budget 2023-24.

Consultation has now closed.

In accordance with section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is given that the Town of Claremont intends to levy the following differential rates for the 2023-24 financial year.

Rate Type



General Rate in the Dollar



General Minimum Rate



Commercial Rate in the Dollar



Commercial Minimum Rate



Information relating to the objects and reasons for the proposed differential rates is available to view here or at the Town’s Administration Building, 308 Stirling Highway, Claremont.

Electors and ratepayers are invited to make submissions to the Town in relation to the proposal to the Chief Executive Officer by email to, by hand to the Town’s Administration Building or by post to PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910.

All submissions must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 23 June 2023.

Council will consider any submissions received before making a decision to impose the Differential Rates in the 2023-24 Budget.

This Community Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022 is aimed to engage a range of community members and service providers to gather both quality data and feedback about the community’s health and wellbeing priorities and concerns. The input we seek will support the development of the Town’s inaugural Public Health Plan to meet the requirements of Part 5 of the Public Health Act 2016.

Take the Town of Claremont Community Health and Wellbeing Survey.

View details of the Community Health and Wellbeing Plan.

Consultation has now closed.

The Town of Claremont is planning for the future and as part of this we are inviting our community to have their say by completing our MARKYT Community Scorecard.

This invitation is open to all residents, ratepayers and visitors to the Town.

The Scorecard is seeking feedback on a range of services and facilities provided by the Town in order to help identify areas for improvement and better cater for the needs of our community.

Responses to the Scorecard are dealt with in the strictest of confidence in accordance with the Privacy Act and Australian Privacy Principles.

Completing the Scorecard generally takes 10 minutes to complete.

Consultation has now closed.

Results and information the Community Scorecard can be found here.

The Heritage Act 2018 requires each local government to prepare a Local Heritage Survey to identify and record places that are, or that might become, of cultural heritage significance.  

The data from this survey assists the Town in making decisions that impact heritage places and supports the creation of a Heritage List or Heritage Areas, which provide for statutory protection of places under the Local Planning Scheme.

In accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Town is required to establish and maintain a Heritage List to identify those places within the Scheme area which are of cultural heritage significance and worthy of conservation. 

Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 27 September 2022 resolved to advertise three draft Local Planning Policies (LPP 124 – Heritage, LPP Bay View Terrace Heritage Area and LPP - Claremont Crescent Heritage Area) and the review of the Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List.

The objectives of the draft LPP 124 – Heritage are:

(a) Provide for the ability to impose conditions on development approvals requiring contributions towards the provision of public art.

(b) Improve interpretation of cultural, environmental and built heritage.

(c) Create and enhance a sense of place by encouraging public art forms.

(d) Improve legibility by introducing public art which assists in making streets, open spaces and buildings more identifiable.

The objectives of the draft LPP - Bay View Terrace Heritage Area are:

(a) To designate a Heritage Area, for the purpose of Schedule 2, Part 3, Clause 9 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

(b) To provide guidance for development within the Bay View Terrace Heritage Area.

(c) To ensure that places of heritage value that contribute to the Bay View Terrace Heritage Area are retained and development does not reduce the contribution of the place of the Heritage Area.

The objectives of the draft LPP - Claremont Crescent Heritage Area are:

(a) To designate a Heritage Area, for the purpose of Schedule 2, Part 3, Clause 9 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

(b) To provide guidance for development within the Claremont Crescent Heritage Area Heritage Area.

(c) To ensure that places of heritage value that contribute to the Claremont Crescent Heritage Area are retained and development does not reduce the contribution of the place of the Heritage Area.

Submissions on the Local Heritage Survey, Heritage List and associated Local Planning Policies can be lodged in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Claremont, PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910, or via an online survey.
Submissions close 5:00pm Monday 15 May 2023.  Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and a summary of your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.
All enquiries should be directed to the Planning Department at the Town of Claremont.

View the draft Local Planning Policies:

- LPP 124 Heritage
- LPP Claremont Crescent Heritage Area
- LPP Bay View Terrace Heritage Area

View the Frequently Asked Questions:

- Heritage List Review FAQ
- Bay View Terrace Heritage Area FAQ
- Claremont Crescent Heritage Area FAQ

View the Local Heritage Surveys:

- Bay View Precinct
- Bindaring Precinct
- Claremont Hill Precinct
- Heritage Precinct
- River Precinct
- Showground Precinct
- Swanbourne Precinct
- Table of Contents

View the Draft Heritage List

Consultation has now closed.

Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 18 April 2023 resolved to advertise its Draft Payment in Lieu of Parking Plan for public comment in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

The Draft Parking Plan proposes how Council will provide parking for development through the payment of cash-in-lieu to support development in the Town Centre and the Swanbourne and Ashton Avenue Local Centres.

The Town seeks your feedback on the Plan which is available here for inspection and comment for a period of 21 days until close of business Monday 29 May 2023.

Please submit your comments in writing by email to or by letter addressed to:

Planning Department

Town of Claremont

PO Box 54, Claremont WA 6910

Please ensure your submission references your property and provides both a phone number and email address to allow the Town to contact you regarding your comments if required. Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and a summary of your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.

Should you have any questions on the proposals, please contact David Vinicombe at the Town on 9285 4300.

Consultation has now closed.

The 2021-22 Annual Report has been adopted by Council and will be presented at the Annual General Electors Meeting on Tuesday 2 May, 2023 at 5:00pm in the Town of Claremont Council Chambers, 308 Stirling Highway Claremont.

View the 2021-22 Annual Report

Consultation has now closed.

Veoila have prepared a noise management plan for specified works (waste collection) to take place within certain precincts within the Town of Claremont.

A copy of the Noise Management Plan can be found here.

Consultation has now closed.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 29 November 2022, Council resolved to advertise the Draft Animal Local Law 2022.

Click here to view a copy of the draft local law.

The Town is now inviting members of the public to have their say and make a submission via our survey.

Consultation has now closed.

In July 2022 the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries announced its final package of reforms to the Local Government Act 1995 (Act).  The Reforms will, amongst other things, abolish wards and require the number of Councillors to be based on district population. The Minister for Local Government is proposing that the number of Councillors for a local government with a population between 5,000 and 75,000 is set between 5 – 9 including the Mayor.
The Town of Claremont will have its wards (West, East and South) abolished at the next election (October 2023). This means that the Councillors will represent the whole Town as opposed to a certain section of the Town.
The Town has a population of approximately 11,000 residents and it’s Council is currently comprised of 10 Elected Members, being the Mayor and 9 Councillors. The Town will be required to voluntarily reduce the number of Council Members from 10 to between 5 and 9.
The Town has prepared an information paper to provide further information on the reforms and the impacts on the Town of Claremont, view here.

Consultation is now closed.

There are currently no parking restrictions on Saunders Street other than 'No Stopping' on both sides of the street between Wright Avenue and Scotch College from 7.30-9am and 3-4pm.
 Residents have expressed concern about visitors including students and parents from Scotch College parking on Saunders Street and the other surrounding streets for extended lengths of time.
The Town is undertaking consultation with the residents of Saunders Street to determine whether to change the parking arrangements on Saunders Street.
Please click here to take the survey.
For more information, please click here.

Consultation is now closed.

The Town of Claremont’s current Street Tree Masterplan (STMP) was adopted by Council in 2013.

Since then, the Town has seen a high number of failures of Western Australian Peppermint trees of all sizes, with many dying across all wards.
This mass decline is caused in a large part by the spread of a specific strand of dieback disease (Phytophthora), as well as the tree’s susceptibility to other pests and diseases, ground disturbances, extreme weather events, and the local soil and groundwater makeup.

This has necessitated this species of tree to be retired from the STMP and replaced with tree species more likely to thrive and provide shade canopy, heat reduction and homes for birds and insects. As well as Western Australian Peppermint, several other trees are in decline within the area including Jarrah, Liquidambar, and Red Flowering Gum trees.

Having a greater variety of tree species across the Town, while still maintaining aisles of a single tree species on a street where appropriate, should make the Town less susceptible to such mass failures in future, whilst still being able to cultivate avenues of trees of a consistent look and type.
It is also proposed that where streets have an existing avenue of mature mixed tree species, that these be categorised as biodiverse to provide a better range of habitat and food sources for native wildlife.

To move forward with the necessary changes to the STMP, as part of the consultation process, we invite you to participate in a short survey so you can have your say on the outcome of your street trees.

Click here to complete the survey and for more information. Survey closes 27 September.

Consultation is now closed.

Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 31 August 2022 resolved to advertise a draft amended Local Planning Policy 206 – Child Care Centres.

The objectives of the draft policy are:

(a)          To provide guidance on the appropriate location of Child Care Centres within the Town.

(b)          To minimise impacts on the amenity of the locality by ensuring that Child Care Centres are appropriately designed and of a scale that is consistent with the character of the immediate area.

(c)           To consider the health and safety of children attending the Child Care Centres within the confines of the planning framework. 

Submissions should be lodged via . Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Claremont, PO Box 54, Claremont WA  6910. 

Submissions close 5:00pm Friday 23 September 2022. Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.

All enquiries should be directed to the A/Director Planning & Development  – Donna Shaw via

Submissions are now closed.

The Town of Claremont proposes to review the following local laws in accordance with section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995:

  • Activities on Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law 2003
  • Dogs Local Law 2012
  • Fencing Local Law 2000
  • Health Local Laws 1997
  • Local Government Property Local Law 2000
  • Signs Local Law 2000

A copy of the Local Laws may be inspected at or obtained from the following locations:

  • Council Office – 308 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010
  • Claremont Community Hub and Library – 327 Stirling Highway, Claremont WA 6010
  • Website

Submissions about any of the local laws listed above may be made to the Chief Executive Officer at:
PO Box 54              
Claremont WA 6910

Submissions are now closed.

Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 26 July 2022 resolved to advertise a draft Local Planning Policy 207 – Public Art.
The objectives of the draft policy are:
(a)          Provide for the ability to impose conditions on development approvals requiring contributions towards the provision of public art.
(b)          Improve interpretation of cultural, environmental and built heritage.
(c)           Create and enhance a sense of place by encouraging public art forms.
(d)          Improve legibility by introducing public art which assists in making streets, open spaces and buildings more identifiable.
Submissions should be lodged via . Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Claremont, PO Box 54, Claremont WA  6910. 
Submissions close 5:00pm Friday 26 August 2022.  Any submissions received will be considered as part of the determination process and your submission will be publicly available in the Council Agenda.
All enquiries should be directed to the A/Director Planning & Development  – Donna Shaw via

View the draft Local Planning Policy 207 – Public Art​.

Submissions are now closed.

What activities would you like to see at your local Community Centre?

We would like to hear from anyone aged 15 and above on what classes, workshops and indoor activities you would like to see in Claremont, and what you would participate in. To assist us with future planning and support community connection and wellbeing, we are seeking your feedback.

Consultation is now closed. 

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage is asking for feedback on how you use the Swanbourne area. You can lodge your feedback in a short online survey on the department’s website and information gathered will be used to inform the Swanbourne Station Precinct Masterplan.

You can find out more about the Masterplan and complete the survey by following the link below.

All queries relating to the Masterplan should be directed through the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Click here to complete the survey. 

Consultation is now closed. 

The Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan focuses on the Claremont Town Centre and immediate surrounds. This plan will provide more detailed guidance on the design, planning, assessment and implementation of future development in the Town Centre.

Following consultation on the Structure Plan, Council resolved on 28 June 2022 to seek final approval of the Structure Plan with a number of minor modifications.  The Structure Plan was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 26 March 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor changes.  Following completion of the required changes, the Western Australian Planning Commission approved the final Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan on 24 September 2024. 

The final and approved version of the Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan can be found here.

Consultation is now closed.

Do you have, or know someone, with a disability?  If you do, you can help the Town of Claremont to keep building an accessible and inclusive community, one we can all feel proud of.  We are committed to welcome and include people of all abilities in everything we do, and to keep building a friendly and welcoming community. This means ensuring people with disability, their family and carers can access our facilities, information, events and services.
The Town of Claremont is reviewing its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for the next five (5) years and we’re interested to hear from people of all ages and abilities as to how we’re going, and how we can be more inclusive and accessible to everyone who lives or visits our Town. Our DAIP sets goals to help all people, including people with disability, feel welcomed, included and have equitable access to buildings, information, public consultations, complaints processes, services and employment.
Access refers to infrastructures such as footpaths, ramps, ACROD parking and toilets and includes making information available in formats, like large print, audio and braille, to meet varying needs.
Inclusion means people of all abilities having equal opportunity to participate in the Town of Claremont’s services, programs, events, consultation and employment.
You can help shape the Town of Claremont’s DAIP by:

  1. Completing our community survey at or requesting a hard copy from the Town of Claremont (9285 4300 or email us on
  2. Contacting Mr Stephen Psaila-Savona, the independent and confidential consultant the Town of Claremont has engaged to capture your feedback on or 0404 654 700.
  3. Sharing this link on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Instagram so more people see our survey.
  4. Emailing this link to people who may be interested in participating.

Submissions are now closed. 

As part of preparing the Local Planning Strategy, the Town is seeking community feedback on Public Open Spaces and Community Facilities in Claremont. This information will be used to prepare a Public Open Spaces and Community Facilities Strategy, which will sit along-side the Town’s Local Planning Strategy. The Local Planning Strategy sets the objectives and long-term planning directions for the Town to ensure a suitable supply of appropriately zoned land to accommodate future population change and economic development over a 15-year period. This document is key in shaping ‘where, why and how’ of future planning and development outcomes in the Town of Claremont.  

Strategic Community Plan, Local Planning Strategy, Precinct Structure Plan 

Over the last few months, the Town has been engaging with the community to get ‘your say’ on three important plans:

  • Strategic Community Plan Review
  • Local Planning Strategy
  • Precinct Structure Plan for the Town Centre

Consultation is now closed.

The Strategic Community Plan ‘Claremont Ahead’ sets out in broad terms the visions, aspirations and objectives of the community. Claremont Ahead forms the basis for the Town’s projects and endeavours and is the over-arching strategic document through to 2031.

Consultation is now closed.

Council resolved on 2 March 2021 to finalise Amendment No. 138 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 which proposes controls over development along Stirling Highway east of the Town Centre.  The amendment was placed on hold pending the finalisation of the Local Planning Strategy. The Strategy was considered by the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission on 18 September 2024 and supported for final approval subject to minor change.  The Statutory Planning Committee’s support for the Strategy included support for finalisation of Amendment No. 138.  The Town is currently liaising with officers of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage to effect final changes Strategy and Amendment No. 138, and it is expected that final approval of the Strategy and the Amendment will be granted shortly. 

Click here to view Local Planning Scheme Amendment No. 138.

Consultation is now closed.

After receiving a number of complaints along with a petition from local residents in November last year, the Town is requesting feedback from the broader community about the impact of events at the showgrounds.

The survey focuses on three types of events: Music and other Festivals; Exhibitions; and the Royal Show and other Family-Friendly events.

All residents within the locality received a hard-copy survey in their letterbox between 5 January and 12 January 2020 along with the summer edition of Flourish. The survey can also be completed online with a limit of one survey per person accepted.

Consultation is now closed.

The Town is seeking community feedback on dogs at Claremont Football Oval. 

Claremont Football Oval is a dog on-lead public open space, allowing Claremont residents to exercise their dogs on-lead at times when the oval is not being used by Claremont Football Club. Council recently received a petition, signed by 88 residents of Claremont on the Park, requesting to change the oval to a dog off-lead exercise area. As a result, the Town is now seeking community feedback on whether the restrictions on dogs at this space should change.

Submissions are now closed. 

The Town is seeking community feedback on the installation of timed parking restrictions along Mofflin Avenue. The proposed timed parking restrictions will be as per the Town's Precinct Parking Policy. The objective is to ensure that vehicles can safely travel in and out of the street, whilst also minimising the impact on street parking for local residents due to increased activity from tradesmen attending nearby construction sites. 

Consultation is now closed.

Council has approved a Draft Budget 2020-21.

This budget means that, for the overwhelming majority of Claremont's ratepayers, rates will remain at the same level or less than they were in 2019-20. You can get more information on how your rates are calculated with our Budget 2020-21 Q&As.

As part of the State Government’s Metronet Claremont station project, the Public Transport Authority has proposed a long-term single lane road closure of Claremont Crescent, west of Stirling Road, for westbound traffic. The lane closure will accommodate critical works along the train line and ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclist, motorists and personnel performing the work. The closure will also act as a temporary principle shared path (PSP) as the main PSP will be closed between Graylands Road and Australind Street for the duration of the works. These closures will be in place for up to eight months to March 2021. 

Consultation is now closed.

The Town's Freshwater Bay Museum was closed in January 2017 in preparation for an upgrade. The closure facilitated a major review of the Town's collection and planning for the new facility.

Consultation of neighbouring residents and stakeholder groups has led to the development of a concept plan of a new building, upon which the Town is now seeking community feedback. 

Click here for further information 
Click here to view the concept plan for the site.

Consultation is now closed.

Thank you for your feedback!

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