The Town is so fortunate to have so many volunteers who give their skills, time and expertise willingly. This celebration is a way for us all to come together to celebrate all they do for the betterment of the community.
Watch 'Thank a Volunteer Day' video here.
Town of Claremont has celebrated International Volunteer Day by holding Thank a Volunteer Day Celebration at the Claremont Museum recognising the hard work and dedication of those people who give their time and expertise in a voluntary capacity.
The Town’s volunteers provide a range of services to the community from delivering books to pulling weeds and planting trees to classifying historical photographs and artefacts.
Mayor Jock Barker said, “Our volunteers play a vital role in helping our community. We are very fortunate to have so many people who give their time and expertise tirelessly to the Town and the community.”
“At the Claremont Community Hub & Library, 20 volunteers have contributed 490 hours of their time helping people explore their family tree, hosting foreign language conversations sessions and teaching library patrons how to use computers, tablets and mobile devices.
The flora and fauna of Claremont Lake also benefits from the enormous contribution given by the Friends of Lake Claremont in planting, weeding and preserving this beautiful space for the whole community to enjoy.”
“I am extremely proud of the services and programs the Town provides to the community and I would like to acknowledge that this would not be possible without the generosity of our volunteers. This event is the Town’s opportunity to recognise and thank all those who make Claremont the wonderful place it is to live.”
The Town paid tribute to the Department of Communities for the Thank a Volunteer Day grant which assisted the Town to provide a function which gave the opportunity for volunteers to come together, enjoy themselves and see the fantastic work the various organisations have delivered within the last year.
Volunteers Appreciation Certificate Recipient Details
Claremont Community Hub and Library
Andrew Harford
Judith Cargill
Paul Hooper
Tricia Murray
Scott Banister-Jones
Sarah Cammack
Meriel Nutter
Carol Elias
Susanne Vos
Chinese Conversation Corner volunteers:
Mr Leo Liu
Ms Qing Qi
Ms Yao Hu
Ms Molly Zhang
Ms Sienna Huang
Ms Lihong Wu
Claremont Museum and Friends of the Museum
Brian Heller
Ethel Lucas
Pam Gardiner
Wendy Stephens
Ricki Hewitt
Greg Simpson
Helen Ryan
Colene Pullinger
Mel Fear
Rosemary Morris
Susan Pestana
And Emily Grandoni
Friends of Lake Claremont
Nick Cook
Heidi Hardisty
Lesley Osborne
Sue O'beirne
Dorothy Leeson
Dave Leeson
Naga Kasala
Anusree Kasala
Anthony Barr
Clair Brittain
Soozie Ross
David Free
And Neil Cownie
Shine Community Care
John McGowan
Claremont Nedlands Lions Club
Robert Kelly
Claremont Foreshore Advisory Committee
Bill MacLeod
Anne MacLeod
Lake Claremont Advisory Committee
Leeuwin Beeck
Repair Lab and Buy Nothing Claremont
Wilma van Boxtel
Michelle Symondson
Sandy Malkin
Elizabeth Borthwick
Christina Graham
And Noelle Udall
All Abilities Cricket
Ralph Goodman
Richard Foster
David Kyle
Callam Mitchell
Nic Langsford
Felix Japp
Hayden Henschel
And Sam Mumme
Bethesda Health Care
Eve Dawson
Jessie Tan
Marguerite Brown
Barbara Hugall
Joy Gadaleta
Heather Johnstone
Daele Dobson
Ronniet Orlando
Rowland Sleep
Jenny Sleep
Evelyn Heard
Claremont Nedlands RSL
David Thomas
Claremont Showgrounds Men’s Shed.
Graeme Owens