The Town has been advised by the Water Corporation regarding pipeworks within the Town.
To improve the Water Supply and reliability in the Town of Claremont, the Water Corporation will be upgrading the Booster Pump Station on Grant Street.
The majority of the construction works fall within the Town of Cottesloe but the connection to the existing main is within the Town of Claremont and involves crossing Stirling Hwy which is under the jurisdiction of Main Roads WA.
Pipeworks under Stirling Hwy are expected to take approximately 2 weeks and Main Roads have approved the construction dates between 8 – 26 January 2024 (throughout school holidays).
The project will be completed within two stages:
- Upgrade to suction main crossing (underground pipework) on Stirling Hwy (January 2024)
- Upgrade to water pump station off Grant Street (2028+)
The Water Corporation will be distributing an early work notification to affected residents by mid-November.
Questions can be directed to the Town's Manager of Engineering on 9285 4300.