We are pleased to confirm that RASWA and Cirque du Soleil have decided on a layout solution that will allow the conservation of all the trees at the Showgrounds.
The Town provides this statement in regards to the suggested tree removal by the Royal Agricultural Society of WA (RASWA) to accommodate a temporary event.
The RASWA as part of their event application have included plans to remove three mature trees to allow clearance for a circus tent for an event being held from 25 July 2024 to 1 September 2024.
The application requires Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approval for the Development Approval (DA).
Town of Claremont Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 6 February 2024 reviewed the proposal and recommended its approval to WAPC pending a number of conditions being addressed.
One of the conditions was that the ‘proposed site plan to be modified to provide clearance to protect existing mature trees on site to the satisfaction of the Town of Claremont’.
The RASWA and Cirque du Soleil have since decided on a layout solution that will allow the conservation of all the trees at the Showgrounds.