The Town provides this statement to correct information in The Post Newspapers article ‘Heritage sinks lake art trail’.
Correction to Post Newspaper Article on Art Trail
The Town provides this statement to correct information in The Post Newspapers article ‘Heritage sinks lake art trail’ (The Post Newspaper, 29 July 2023 edition, page 1).
The Post article states incorrectly that the Lake Claremont Art Trail, a project being organised by the Town was “derailed by Aboriginal heritage laws”.
Council had voted at their Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 25 July to change the scope of the Art Trail from Lake Claremont to Town-wide. This will provide public art walk trails throughout the Town of Claremont. This has been done based on consultation with (and out of respect for) the Traditional Owners of the Lake.
The Council report did not suggest that Aboriginal heritage laws were responsible for this decision.