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Citizenship ceremonies

The Town conducts citizenship ceremonies throughout the year. The frequency of ceremonies depends on the number of approved applications from the Department of Home Affairs. Ceremonies are officiated by the Town's Mayor. Invitations to citizenship ceremony candidates are forwarded to candidates via email at least one month prior to the scheduled date.

Please note that the Town only facilitates citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs, and that the Department of Home Affairs is responsible for ceremony allocations. The Town will only contact conferees who are invited to a ceremony based on the information provided from the Department of Home Affairs. 

If you have been invited to an upcoming ceremony by the Town and have any enquiries regarding the ceremony, these can be directed to the Town on (08) 9285 4300. 

Scheduled Dates

Town of Claremont citizenship ceremonies are held in the Council Chambers at Number One Claremont, 308 Stirling Hwy.

Ceremonies scheduled dates for 2025:

  • Wednesday, 29 January at 6pm
  • Wednesday, April 23 at 6pm
  • Wednesday, 23 July at 6pm
  • Wednesday, 22 October at 6pm

Australian Citizenship Applications

Initial applications to become an Australian citizen need to be lodged with the Department of Home Affairs by phoning 13 18 80. All enquiries about your application for Australian citizenship including your application progress should be directed to the Department of Home Affairs. 

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