The Town of Claremont has been committed to facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities through the improvement of access to its facilities and services for many years.
It is a requirement of the WA Disability Services Act that all local government authorities develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) that outlines the ways in which the authority will ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to its facilities and services.
In 2012 the Town undertook a comprehensive review of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) and subsequently developed an updated DAIP. The Town’s Plan has been reviewed annually and reports have been provided to the Disability Services Commission (DSC). The Town also reports each year on its progress in its Annual Report.
WA Companion Card
The Western Australian Companion Card is a card that enables people with a disability to bring their carer along to an event, free of charge. Events include movies, concerts, sporting games and many more. To learn more about this card, and how to apply for a card, click here.